Google the College Humour Video About Itfunny as Hell

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  • Tide CEO: You Gotta Stop Eating Tide Pods is almost entirely dialogue and prop comedy, and it is hilarious. In the skit, the CEO of the company that makes Tide Pods tells people to stop eating Tide Pods, no matter how delicious they look, and grows steadily more outraged as it turns out that every product the company makes looks like "fucking candy". Except for the cheeseburger, which turns out to give a very close shave.

    CEO: Am I the asshole? Like, how do you not get...we, can we just cut? Can you cut the camera real quick? [walks off-camera] I, I'm trying to understand right now how this happened. I've been busting my ass on this fucking Tide Pods fiasco, and I turn my back for three seconds, and now our entire line of products is shaped like fucking candy. And I'm trying to understand how this happened. Why are you crying?
    [Jump Cut]
    CEO: "With Tampax push-cicles, you get to choose between chilly cherry, frosty fruit punch, or ice cold cranberry." We, okay, not only should none of these be flavored, because, why, would you flavor them? This is the coldest thing I've ever held. And, as in everything else today, people will try to eat these! Even if they're not poisonous, we don't want people eating fucking tampons.
    Crew Member: [from off-camera] Those are poison.

    • After President Trump asked whether disinfectant could be injected as a cure for COVID-19, the same CEO had to come back to tell people that "Soap Isn't Medicine". It's worth the price of admission just for this line alone:

      CEO: You do not get to pretend that you're being noble if you're just doing some random shit! If I fucking jerk off on the subway and say "This one's for the TROOPS!", that doesn't matter! You have to actually HELP people to honor them! Give them a pay raise! I can't believe this is HAPPENING TO M-

      • After that, he advocates for using their existing lines.

        CEO: If you're on the go, and you really need it, you can use a Tide-To-Go pen. Right now, all proceeds from our Tide pens - this is actually a good thing! They're actually gonna go to funding epidemic relief. We're calling them Epi-Pens !? Ohhhh, get fucked, no we're not. This isn't a thing we can do! Does nobody see an issue with this?!

      • He then showcases a bar of soap with "Surgeon General's Warning: Do not.............................. Eat Soap To Treat Disease." Also, he said he wanted "normal soap", not for the product to be called "Normal Soap." He eventually muses about whether he's actually Cassandra - a doomed prophet alone and unheeded by the weary world.
      • Then he presents "Tide Suppositories", and is left dumbfounded by the logic behind it - so people can clean their ass, in light of the toilet paper shortage.
  • Pretty much the entire Tumblr CEO short.
    • He first extols the creativity of the Furry Fandom, only to very quickly run into Rule 34 (which he thought was "Be polite").

      CEO: The frog's got tits out to HERE, Carmen!
      Carmen: I've seen bigger.
      CEO: Where?
      Carmen: Tumblr?
      CEO: Go to hell!

    • This moment which has found its way into a lot of "perfectly-cut scream" compilations.

      CEO: Conservatively. What percentage of our platform is porn?
      Carmen: Nine...
      CEO: [aghast] Niiiine percent?
      Carmen: Ninety...
      CEO: [increasingly shrill] NINETY?!
      Carmen: ...eight.

    • Also this, which immediately follows the previous joke:

      CEO: [pacing while on the phone] Martha, I'm not angry, I just am trying to understand how this didn't get to me. When I started this website, I wanted it to be about buddies, doing social media! That's why I started the BDSM tag! [Beat] It's full of WHAT?!

  • The Skype CEO got in on the fun during the COVID pandemic, utterly furious at how they'd gotten such brand recognition over the years as to have a Brand Name Takeover (Skyping)... only for Zoom to suddenly dart in at the last moment and take over the market, calling out their customers over being such fickle ingrates. And then he starts realizing that this is an established trend. Even his own mother suggested setting up a family Zoom.

    CEO: Hydrox came before Oreos. Did you know that? Hydrox came before Oreos. Betamax came before VHS. Gobots came before Transformers. Are we... Gobots?

    • And the kicker - he winds up slipping at the last minute and saying they should set up a Zoom later. He blames it on the word just being fun to say.
  • If you can handle the ungodly amounds of Squick, The Furry Force sketches has many funny moments, like in the first episode when the Furry Force morphs into a 50-foot hermaphroditic monstrosity. A freaked-out Victor Vivisector lets out a flat "Nope" and flies away with his jet pack, leaving his goons behind, who promply commits suicide.
    • The second video ends with the President resigning after the Furry Force save him.
  • Who Got Me Sick?. Trapp launches a full Hercule Poirot-style investigation to find out who got him sick. Made especially hilarious by the various personas taken on by the actors. Brennan is the big game hunter colonel, Grant is the British snob, Siobhan is the young, beautiful woman keen on throwing herself on fads, Raph is the average chap, and Jessica is the elderly noble and/or actress.

    Trapp: My god, Siobhan. There is no crime so low as getting another sick, no victim more undeserving than I.


  • In "Hot Date: Don't Call My Dick 'Nice'", Emily describes Murph's penis as "nice", which he conciders a Backhanded Compliment and obsesses over the rest of the night, outright begging her to call it "big" instead. Then comes the punchline:

    Waiter: How is everything?
    Emily: Very nice, thank you.
    Murph: That means it's SMALL!!!

  • "Your Friend Who Never Learns Partying Sucks", especially the B-plot where Katie hears about eating ass, does research on it, and ultimately decides to try it out. A lot of the comment section is dedicated to admiring how brave Katie was being in both trying out something new, and how responsible she was being in making sure she did research about it before diving in.
  • A Computer Co-wrote This Sketch, especially when Grant takes off his shirt and it's covered in green slime. Everyone emits a Skyward Scream at this.
  • The "Zordon is a Racist" video pokes fun at the Unfortunate Implications of the original Black Ranger and the original Yellow Ranger from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers respectively being African-American and Asian by establishing that Zordon is a complete bigot who is blatantly appointing Ranger colors to his recruits based on what minority they are. Zordon's unashamed bigotry and the teenage recruits' disgust at his demonstrations of racism, Antisemitism, misogyny and homophobia make for a hilarious video that Crosses the Line Twice.
  • All of Script Meeting. Special mention goes to Anu's smile and Emily's reactions to being assigned the role of various unnamed male characters.
  • Perpetual Motion Machine! A lucrative source of income, until, of course, it's Not a Motion Machine.
  • How Tall is Grant?, in all of its perspective-shifting madness.
    • And, in a similar vein and tone, Is Grant Keith from Buzzfeed? which not only features The Try Guys' Keith, who does look a great deal like Grant, but also presents the fact that Keith and Grant each have twin brothers named... Grant and Keith. Bonus points for the callback to How Tall is Grant? about halfway through as Trapp continues to freak out.
  • Are You Asian Enough? has plenty of good lines, but the funniest part is the punchline:

    Woman: I'm an eighth black?

    The Black Council: You're black.

  • What Going Back to the Nineties Would Actually Be Like hits you like a train with its concept. And it is also hilarious.
  • The Weirdest Conversation You'll Overhear involves Trapp talking on the phone to an automated phone menu... or is it?
    • The beginning of that sketch is fairly amusing on its own:

    Adam: I'm telling you, people eat an average of twelve spiders a day. Not while they sleep, just like, throughout the day.

  • The Truth About Football is a series of depressing facts, but what makes it funny is the completely straight face everyone except Trapp keeps throughout.

    Chuck Puber: Gina, in Matthew 19:24, we're told by Christ that it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Given that, do you think these two coaches are gonna get sucked straight into hell when they die, or is it more likely, given all the injustices in the world, that there is no god?

  • "I feel like everyone hates me, an ICE agent" is pretty much one big Take That! towards the whole concentration camps the Trump administration is running, except it's framed as two ICE agents talking about how they feel isolated from society... While keeping a bunch of kids in cages.
    • On a meta level, one of the ICE guards are played by Ryan Creamer, an actor who, due to his rather unfortunate last name, makes videos on pornhub where he does entirely wholesome and non-sexual things. CH even lampshades this in the comments, calling it the "least wholesome we have ever seen Ryan Creamer."
  • "When Your Date's Apartment Sucks" for how absurdly okay Brennan's girlfriend is with her terrible living conditions.
  • "Workshopping Your Insane Writing," an installment in CollegeHumor's Whole Plot Reference spoof of The Shining, has the rest of the cast calmly workshopping Trapp's 600-page video script (which, of course, consists solely of the words "All work and no play makes Trapp a dull boy").
  • "The Girl with a 'Birthday Month'" has this dialogue, with sinister music building up in the background:
  • In "5 Tips for People Who Don't Understand Taxes", Grant's final tip is a bunch of legalese about how to avoid paying taxes by getting paid in stocks, which only applies to the extremely wealthy. He then does a 180 turn.

    Grant: If you qualify for this, you're part of the problem, motherfucker, and when the revolution comes, I'm starting with you.

  • "It will never be cold again", while discussing how unrealistic Game of Thrones is because you can't imagine winter ever coming.

    Trapp: I mean, we can all imagine dragons.
    [looks into the camera while "Radioactive" plays]

     If Google Was A Guy

The If Google Was A Guy series is packed with hilarious moments.

  • In general, how Google gets increasingly annoyed at the start of every video in the series.
  • In Part 1, we're introduced to:
    • A black guy (credited as "Curious Man") who consistently asks bizarre, nonsensical questions. Starting with "Foot same length Europe?"

      Google: What?

      Curious Man: Inch same length Europe.

    • A seedy-looking stockbroker who researches Bitcoin. Then how to buy Bitcoin. Then how to unbuy Bitcoin.
    • A young boy who uses Google Images to look up increasingly disgusting subjects.

      Little Boy: (Laughing) Gross fat butthole dick poop!

      Google: Are your parents home?

    • An elderly British man who has no idea how the internet works.

      Man:, my grandson Nathan.

    • An enthusiastic woman who wants to know the name of a song made entirely of meowing noises (which she "sings").
    • A guy who uses Images to look up nude college girls. And then starts undoing his pants in the middle of the office.

      Google: Really?!

      • Later, the same man searches for "Titanic drawing", "Titanic movie drawing", and "Titanic movie drawing scene" before finding success with "Kate Winslet tits".

        (Unbuckles belt.) "Round two!"

    • CollegeHumor writer Patrick Cassles Googles himself in increasingly specific terms, trying to verify that people find his content funny — with the returns getting smaller each time.

      Google: Are we going to do this all day?

    • A scatterbrained woman who searches for "HEDGEHOGS CUTE" (and can't seem to spell it correctly).
    • A man who researches the signs of an Adderall overdose... while twitching and speaking rapidly.
    • A woman who asks how to download Firefox. Google deadpans, "Ever heard of Chrome?"
    • A creepy guy who's looking for a free hamster...
    • ...And finally, an attractive, seemingly normal young woman who inquires about the Boston Bomber. The cute one.

      Google: (shoves everything off desk in rage) Oh FUCKING SHIT!

  • In Part 2 ("If Google Was Still A Guy"), we get:
    • The return of Curious Man.

      Curious Man: Why mile length?

      Google: Uh...

      Curious Man: Cream cheese is cheese?

      Google: Wait, do you still want to know about-

      Curious Man: Avocado pit huge why?

      Google: Okay, don't speak in these weird haikus.

    • A young teenage girl who nervously asks, "How to tell if pregnant?" Followed immediately by her father.

      Dad: How to tell-

      Google: (autofills) -tell if pregnant?

      Dad: (looks offscreen) JENNIFER!

    • A Muslim businessman searching for a mosque in Seattle. This immediately triggers an NSA agent, who rises up from the floor and refuses to leave.
    • A woman who enters the room to find Google painting on himself.

      Google: Today is Jackson Pollock's birthday, so we're celebrating his particular style of painting!

      Woman: Why farts smell?

      Google: (disgusted) One of the most important painters of all time, and you want to know why farts smell, so there you go.

    • A man wearing Google Glass asks how to avoid being bullied for using it. Google just bursts out laughing.
    • A stoner girl who searches for "flight to Washington", then reappears with an armful of patriotic souvenirs.

      Google: (rifles through papers) See? I knew you made that mistake.

    • The stockbroker from Part 1 is back. Since Bitcoin didn't work out, he decides to invest in Dogecoin. Apparently, it goes rather well: as the video goes on, he develops a suspicious "sniffle", begins dressing flamboyantly and smoking Cuban cigars, and inquires, "Where to buy pet Russian dolphin?"
    • A guy whose "F" key is stuck is represented by a guy just sitting in the chair repeating, "F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F..."
    • CollegeHumor writers Adam Conover and Brian Murphy settle an argument by asking Google whether February 2nd is called "Groundhog's Day" or "Groundhog Day". When Google clarifies that it's the latter, a victorious Brian immediately searches for a barbershop, as the loser of the argument is apparently forced to get a bowl cut.
    • A wholesome, middle-aged woman who asks for "terror pictures" (prompting the NSA agent to reappear).

      Woman: Oh, sorry. Terrier pictures.

      Google: [Relieved chuckle.] Oh. [Hands over folder.]

      [Woman squeals delightedly and leaves.]

      Google: [To NSA Agent] Hey, man. Lemme do my job, alright?

      NSA Agent: FUCK YOU! [Disappears into floor.]

    • A neckbearded guy who searches for "tent".

      Google: Doing a little camping, huh?

      Neckbeard: Tentacle hentai.

      Google: Oh, COME ON!

    • After the ending bumper, we see the Bing office, which (by contrast to Google's office) is spacious, tranquil, clean, bright...and completely deserted.

      Bing: (yells down empty hallway) Open for business, everyone! C'mon in, it's awesome in here! (to self) Soon. They'll come soon.

  • In Part 3:
    • Right off the bat, the Curious Man is back.

      Curious Man: Electric outlets look surprised why?

      Google: Because they-

      Curious Man: Millipedes ten times faster than centipedes?

      Curious Man: Baby powder made out of babies?

      Google: You know that it's not!

    • An intelligent-looking young man, who (much to Google's dismay) only wants to indulge his fetish for plus-sized, ethnic women. Starting with "Big Booty Puerto Rican Goddess".
    • The stockbroker from the first two parts returns. This time, his searches include whether dead people have to pay taxes and where to buy a lifelike bearded mannequin, all but saying he's planning to fake his death and presumably flee the country to avoid paying his taxes. It's driven home near the end when a police officer makes his own search to Google.

      Officer: Difference between human body and a mannequin?

    • A worried-looking middle-aged woman with a phone:

      Woman: What is YOLO?

      Google: Is that your kid's phone?

    • A woman who asks Siri "how big is the Serengeti" gets misheard, and Siri pulls up pictures of spaghetti.

      Siri: (cheerfully) Sorry, I don't see spaghetti in your contacts.

      (Google repeats phrase in a mocking voice.)

    • One exchange has Google saying a search for a random string of letters and numbers came up empty. We then see the searcher is a cat.
    • A woman who insists that vaccines cause autism:

      Google: (gesturing to a massive stack of papers on the right side of his desk) Well, I have one million results that say they don't, and (holds up a single paper on the other side) one result that says they do.

      Woman: (snatches the lone paper) I Knew It!

      Google: (yelling) Just because I have it doesn't mean it's true!

    • A shady-looking neck beard who wants to know how to get to the deep web:

      Google: (wearing a jacket and holding a lantern) Follow me.

    • The general stupidity Google has to put up with leaks into the autofill:

      Guy: Why do Asian—
      Google: Have small noses? Wear face masks? Have small eyes? Have small penises?
      Guy: [appalled] —Pandas have trouble mating in captivity? Jesus!
      Google: It's not me, it's them!

    • A man wearing a robe and holding a bottle of lotion searches for "Sonic the Hedgehog pics".

      Google: (nervously) The old Sega video game?

      Man: Safe search off. (the contents of Google's desk promptly begin flying around the office)

      Google: OH! What have you done?!

      • And when we see this guy again, he's already finished, leaving Google in a state of disturbed shock and his office a mess:

      Man: Clear history.

      Google: (incinerates the contents of his desk with a flamethrower)

    • The ending Cameo by Mark McGrath.

      McGrath: Sugar Ray Ironically Cool Yet?

      Google: [sheepishly gestures to his empty desk] Sorry.

  • In Part 4:
    • A Cordon Bleugh Chef who searches for a recipe that only needs crackers, and if mayonnaise can be used as a butter substitute, which causes Google to retch. That's nothing compared to the last time he's seen:

      Chef: Okay to drink expired milk?

      Google: (slams paper onto his desk) NO!

      Chef: (holding a jug of milk, with a milk mustache on is lip) What happens if drank expired milk?

      Google: Oh my god! Why did you ask me in the first place?!

    • A young girl who uses Google to get to Facebook. Google's responses range from calling her lazy to yelling at her that Facebook is a simple walk away.
    • One man asks for directions to downtown, and Google responds that it'll take 35 minutes unless he uses Waze... and then Waze (portrayed as a demanding Drill Sergeant Nasty-type character) appears and starts shouting at the man, gradually reducing him to a blubbering wreck.
    • Autofill strikes again.

      Young woman: Selena Go-

      Google: [autofills] Selena Gomez feet.

      Young woman: Taylo-

      Google: Taylor Swift feet.

      Young woman: Katy-

      Google: Katy Perry feet.

      Young woman: [horrified] What is wrong with people?

    • A man who asks how to become an astronaut. When Google declares his findings to be bad news, the man gradually changes his stance to working for NASA, then working at a planetarium, then volunteering at a planetarium, all of which are shot down, before half-heartedly suggesting "Help wanted laser tag."

      Google: Now we're talking!

    • One man asking about some of Google's less successful ventures.

      Man: Google Wave, what happened?

      Google: We killed it.

      Man: Google Glass, what happened?

      Google: We killed it.

      Man: Google Car-

    • At the end of the video, Google goes to sleep. Without him, the crowd outside his office enters a state of panic (complete with terrified screams and the sounds of breaking glass, explosions, and car alarms).
    • One of the questions that Curious Man asks is "Dad from The Nanny dead?" Later on, Charles Shaughnessy, the actor who played the dad from The Nanny, shows up in The Stinger.

      Charles Shaughnessy: Dad from The Nanny.

      Google: Dead?

      Charles Shaughnessy: ...Seriously?

  • In Part 5:
    • The video once again begins with the Curious Man asking bizarre questions, and Google clearly has had enough of him.

      Curious Man: (sits in seat) Haha, let's do this!

      Google: Not again...

      Curious Man: Can you keep a duck?

      (Google unamusingly stares at him)

      Curious Man: What are the newest shapes?

      Google: What're you gonna do with this information?

      Curious Man: Is Superman circumcised?

    • A woman comes in, asking questions that lack the context to them:

      Woman: Is this salt or sugar?

      Google: Is what salt or sugar?

      • And later:

      Woman: Is it "you're" or "your?"

      Google: IN. WHAT. CONTEXT?

      • And later still:

      Woman: Is the internet working?

      Google: (bordering on Tranquil Fury) I want you to think about this for a second.

    • The man who wanted to be an astronaut returns, and since today is his birthday, he looks up how old other famous people were when they achieved their historic goals:

      Man: Sistine Chapel, how old Michelangelo?

      Google: 33.

      Man: Moon landing, how old Neil Armstrong?

      Google: 38.

      Man: Became president, how old Barack Obama?

      Google: 47.

      Man: Still got three years!

    • Google pushing Google+ onto their users:

      Woman: Upload these photos of my nephew?

      Google: Y'know, you might consider uploading these to Google+, it's a lot like Facebook meets Google, it's really starting to take off!

      Woman: Oh, uh, uh, g-great!, I'll, uh, check it out.

      • And later, when Google tries pushing it on a confused child:

      Google: Not only is it awesome, but it's also free for you and all of your friends!

      Kid: I just wanna watch... Minecraft videos...

    • A climate change denier looks for climate change conspiracies:

      Woman: Climate change is not real.

      Google:(Puts a whole box of results on his desk) Climate change IS real!

      Woman: Climate change is "not real". note Searching with quotes forces the search to include those exact words

      Google: Fine. (begrudgingly hands woman a single page of results)

      Woman: Thank you!

      Google: (disgusted) Get outta here.

    • The neckbearded chef from the previous video searches for "Anna Kendrick boyfriend".

      Google: You really think you have a chance?

      Chef: (shrugs)

    • An apparent troll searches for "Do a barrel roll", causing Google's office to flip over.

      Google: (clutching his desk as the troll laughs) No, don't type that! Why would you type that?! Grab onto something!

    • A worried man who has been Googling his symptoms is told to go see a doctor. At the very end, he is shown to be at Web M.D., asking about his symptoms.

      Worried Man: Hot hands and feet!

      Web M.D.: Cancer.

  • Quarantine Edition. Curious Man is back — and his questions are more inane than ever.

    Google: (rifles through papers) I'm sure you have lots of questions about the pandemic-

    Curious Man: Are rhinos elephants?

    Google: Are... What?

    • And, a bit later:

      Curious Man: How islands stay put?

      Google: Nothing about Coronavirus? The quarantine?

      Curious Man: Islands have anchors?

    • The neckbeard from the previous videos reappears. This time, he wants to buy toilet paper in bulk.

      Google: Sold out.

      Neckbeard: Uh...paper towels in bulk?

      Google: Sold out too.

      Neckbeard: Tissue paper in bulk?

      Google: Sold out.

      (Beat as Neckbeard thinks.)

      Google: You know, back in the olden days, we just used rags.

      Neckbeard: Underwear in bulk?

      Google: Very gross.

    • A young woman who wants to buy chicken for a recipe. Google says that most grocery stores are sold out, so she'll need to get creative.

      Woman: Farms near me?

      Google: Good thinking! Some farms will deliver vegetables right to your door!

      Woman: [rubs hands together] Stealing chickens?

      Google: Ahhhh, not that creative!

    • An elderly woman wants to learn about video conferencing. It doesn't go well.

      Old Lady: How do I Zoom?

      Google: (shuffling through papers) Video conferencing is a great way to stay connected!

      Old Lady: Do I Zoom on Facebook?

      Google: (sighs) Where to begin?

      Old Lady: How do I Facebook?

    • A party girl asks for a mojito recipe.

      Google: So, you're going to need mint-

      Party Girl: Don't have it.

      Google: Lime-

      Party Girl: Don't have it.

      Google: Club soda-

      Party Girl: (scowling) Don't have it.

      Google: -And rum.

      (Party Girl grins and holds up rum bottle, shaking it enthusiastically.)

      Party Girl: Wooooo, MOJITOS!

    • A fitness enthusiast searches for an online yoga class, followed by an online Zumba class and an online CrossFit class. All the exercise leaves him twisted up and in great pain, prompting him to search for an online chiropractor class.
    • A young girl asks Google how to calculate the volume of a sphere.

      Google: Maybe ask a parent for some homeschooling.

      Girl's Father: Uhhhhh, calculate volume sphere.

    • A stockbroker searches for Dow Jones, S&P 500, and NASDAQ. When he hears that all of them aren't doing well, he responds with more... out there searches.

      Google: Not a real thing.

      Broker: Dollar to turnip exchange rate.

    • A man who asks for the time of day, day of the week, and month of the year, being told that it's 4pm on a Thursday in April.

      Man: (gets up and leaves) 2020 can suck my-

      Google: Oh, so you know the year.

    • A party animal who searches for Miami beach parties is reprimanded by Google for how irresponsible his desires are, even if he is 22.

      Party Animal: Sexy hazmat suits?

      Google: STAY. HOME.

  • Quarantine Edition: Part 2 has the same woman from the heartwarming section mention that she's scared, lonely, and impatient. Google quietly reassures her of the need for continuing the quarantine.
    • The starting question is from the same Curious Man from the previous skits, and Google is genuinely surprised that he has a question regarding the Coronavirus — until he hears the question.
    • A man who wants instructions for giving himself a haircut. The result has both him and Google agreeing that he should shave his head. The scenario even repeats itself when he tries growing a beard.
    • A fashionista who searches for Prada face masks. When Google shows his disappointment in her, she suggests Gucci masks instead.
    • A Crazy Survivalist who inquires about firestarters.

      Google: Yeah, this isn't the apocalypse you've been prepping for.

      Doomsday Prepper: Animal traps?

      Google: Just stay home and watch TV.

      Doomsday Prepper: [sets rocket launcher on table] Bulk ammunition?

      Google: [nervously] What about Bear Grylls? Do ya like Bear Grylls?

    • A man who binges Tiger King, checking out everything up to the cast Instagram accounts. The lack of sleep from his binge makes itself clear.

      Man: (rummaging through the drawers in the office) Carol Baskin murdered husband, drug cartel connections?

    • A woman with a ukulele asks for chords for it, which Google gives her. When she asks for one chord songs, the best Google can give her is "Put the Lime in the Coconut". Then there's his reaction when she searches for ukulele amps.

      Google: I'm very sorry for your neighbors.

    • The stockbroker from part one asks about oil prices being negative. While Google begins a lecture about supply and demand, the broker clarifies that he wants people to pay him to take their oil.

      Google: Not how it works.

      Broker: I have, like, a whole room I'm not using!

    • A young woman inquires about how to make a "sourdough starter". After Google informs her that sourdough is "a living thing", she asks, "How to feed sourdough starter?" ("Just add water and flour every 8-12 hours.") Things escalate rather quickly from there — and end with the sourdough jar sporting its own tiny business suit and necktie.

      Young Woman: (sobbing) College fund for sourdough starter?

    • A woman asking about "second wave" has Google launching into a spiel about the second wave of the Spanish Flu, before the woman claims she meant second wave feminism.

      Google: Oh, sorry. One track mind, lately.

  • Quarantine Edition: Part 3 has quite a few.
    • A little girl walks into Google's office.

      Google: Well, aren't you adorable!

      Google: Oh, god!

    • A man visits Google for what to do for a toothache, but he's hesitant about going to the dentist for fear of the COVID risk. His solution?

      Man: Dentistry tutorial YouTube.

      Google: (facepalming) I don't like where this is going...

    • A man searching for his daughter's school's hybrid learning schedule. The father gets confused pretty quickly.

      Google: Every second Wednesday, students must appear over Zoom in uniform at 7:55.

      Father: AM or PM?

      Google: It does not say.

    • People coming in and inquiring about rescue dogs that are available for adoption. It evolves into what amounts to a dog auction.
    • The ukulele woman from the previous video is doomscrolling. Basically, looking explicitly for bad news. This is represented by a humanized Citizen news app screaming ridiculously depressing headlines at her.
    • The fashionista returns and asks about Dr. Fauci. Specifically, pictures of him young and shirtless. She also asks for a fancam. Google manages to actually find a real Fauci fancam, complete with sparkly editing!

      Google: (bemused) Huh. I guess you're not the only one.

    • The Running Gag of the Conspiracy Theorist doing searches with Google giving a "No. Just... No" Reaction - only to fall afoul of Duck Season, Rabbit Season when the theorist asks if COVID-19 is real.
      • And the final punchline of the video (which came out right before 2021).

        Theorist: Mayans end of world year.
        Google: 2012.
        Theorist: Mayans... dyslexia?
        Google: What do you... (looks at the calendar with an Eye Take before putting on a Tinfoil Hat) Ohhh, shhhhhhhh-

    Game Changer

It's the game show where no-one knows the rules.

Lie Detector

  • The Lie Detector episode of Game Changers is bloody hilarious. Each contestant answers horrifically embarassing questions that are checked by a lie detector controlled by their significant others.
    • When Brennan tries to worm his way out of a question with rules lawyering and Sam calls him out on it:


    • When Jess admits that she has had multiple threeways, Izzy and Alexis (Brennan and Tao's girlfriends) gives Kait, Jess' fiancé, the side-eye.
    • Once the secret is revealed:

      Brennan: I trust my partner implicitly!

      Izzy: And you shouldn't!

Yes or No?

  • Sam only asks the contestants the titular question over and over. Episode winners are determined by whoever can identify the secret rule governing how correct answers are determined. Once Brennan finally figures it out after the other two have already "won", he unleashes a truly astounding monologue:

    Brennan: I know what's going on here. I know what's going on here. Okay? I do. And if you want me to wander backstage to spill the beans...I'm the only one out of the loop, it would seem... and if we check my point total here— I don't NEED to walk to the front, because I know what it is. It's a big ol' GOOSE EGG, GANG. It's a FAT ZERO. HELLO!! A little LATE ADDITION to the numerical symbol chart brought to us from our friends in Arabia, a little bit of trivia that I happen to know about the history of numbers. That kind of little tidbit would serve me well in most trivia games, unless it had been RIGGED FROM THE BEGINNING! Oh, I've only just BEGUN to pull the thread on this sweater, friends. You would THINK in a game where there are only TWO possible correct choices, that one would STUMBLE INTO the right answer every so often, wouldn't you? In fact, the probability of NEVER guessing right in the full game is a STATISTICAL WONDER, and yet, HERE WE ARE. Introduced at the top of the game as a champion, what do you think that means? Icarus, flying too close to the sun. But it seems Daedalus, our little master crafter over here, had some wax wings of his own, didn't he? Wanted to see his son fall. Fall from the sky. Oh, how CLOSE TO THE SUN he flew! Well I'm NOT HAVING IT. I solved your labyrinth, puzzle master! The minotaur's escaped and you're gonna get the horns, buddy!

    Sam: (laughing) Brennan, that was an incredible monologue. What is the rule of the game?

The Substitute (Make Some Noise part 3)

  • One of Game Changer's quarantine episodes is another installment in the "Make Some Noise" sound impressions game. Brennan's final prompt is "Predictive Text Brennan", which he absolutely nails, to everyone's delight.

    Brennan: Hey gang! Absolutely to a hundred percent happy to be here. Number one thing is that everyone to take care of yourself. Predictably, you might find another time, and the philosophy camp counselor this time around we go back, and I'm telling you right now I won't stand for it! Gang, you gotta be drinking water.

Sam Says

  • All three players are given the prompt "Say Something We'll Have to Bleep". After stumbling, all three get a second chance to redeem themselves.
    • Brennan starts singing "Hey Jude". A crawl scrolls across the bottom of the screen explaining they can't get the rights.
    • Izzy says "Something we'll have to bleep."
    • Lou looks into the camera and says the following:

    Lou: Uh, I am paid by CollegeHumor, and I'd just like to come out and say as someone that is paid by the company and say that (censored, but his lips clearly say O. J. Simpson) is innocent. And that is the expressed opinion of formerly CollegeHumor, now Dropout, the show Game Changer. (censored) is innocent-
    Izzy: Didn't do it!
    (cut to Sam pressing his face up against the wall in shock)
    Lou: -whoever killed those people is still out there. This is the expressed opinion of the company that puts this show out.
    Sam: ...My excitement for this episode has turned to fear.

  • Brennan's answer to "Upset a Producer" is to calmly walk out from behind his podium and start coughing violently.

Like My Coffee

  • "I like my lovers like I like my yard work."

    Grant: Green.

    Sam: Meaning?

    Grant: Inexperienced and virginal, Sam.

Noise Boys (Make Some Noise part 4)

  • Brennan is given the prompt "An Auctioneer Having An Existential Crisis", resulting in another monologue, which host Sam Reich compares to "a one-man show in a black box theater in New York City".

    Brennan: From Farmer Dan Patrick's lot, this bull would normally fetch $5000 on open market! Can I get 1500, 1500- (incomprehensible auctioneer patter) -not happy in my marriage, not happy in my marriage- (incomprehensible auctioneer patter) -where's my dad, dad come home, come home dad- (incomprehensible auctioneer patter) -front of the whole school, front of the whole class, everyone laughed at me- (incomprehensible auctioneer patter) -3500! 3500, going once... (voice cracks) going once... if I say... if I say "sold"... then we all go home... but if I never say sold, I stay in your mind's eye, and I don't disappear... (whispering desperately) ...going...going... (prolonged pause as Brennan chokes in despair)... sold.''

Don't Cry

  • "Don't Cry" is mostly just heartwarming moments as the cast comes out to support Jess Ross after a difficult year. Sam still insists on docking points from her after every "challenge" for crying.
  • Trapp ends his letter to Jess by complaining that he couldn't say this at her wedding and had to say it on a game show behind a paywall.
    • Lily ends her letter by saying she's not good at explaining her feelings, so she's just going to Venmo Jess $200.
  • Rehka is declared the "winner" of the episode because she cried the least and openly admits she should probably do some introspection about that.

Survivor (Parts 1 and 2)

  • Sam puts the contestants in teams, and by sheer coincidence, Ally, Grant and Brennan end up on the same team, and Erika, Raph and Lou end up on the other, leading to a great deal of jokes.

    Grant: Alright guys, let's do this for white people!

    • The white team declare themselves Team Friendship? (after denying Grant the chance to suggest anything). The other team?

    Lou: Martin Luther King's Dream.
    Erika: Wouldn't it be awful if we were to lose?

    • The first challenge is to make the other team laugh with funny sounds without laughing themselves. Most of the cast loses very quickly, leading to a back and forth between the remaining two contestants, Lou and Brennan. The winning sound?

    Lou: [wheedling voice] Please let me win.

    • Brennan refers to his teammates in the Confession Cam as "a bunch of dumb crackers".
  • The ending of part 1 is both hilarious and awesome. It looks like Ally has convinced a grant to vote off Brennan in survivor like fashion of getting rid of the biggest competition. Only for Brennan to reveal he has immunity in the most Brennan way possible.

    Brennan: Do you think I f**k around?

     Breaking News

The newshow where the anchors aren't allowed to smile or laugh, and they don't know what's on the prompter.

  • Breaking News is usually pretty funny, but ''True Facts About Grant Anthony O'Brien takes things to a new, deeply personal, and absolutely savage level. Even worse for Grant is that this episode aired on Youtube just after the announcement that he, and most of the cast, were being laid off.
    • For context, the first story told is Grant catching syphilis that preceding January, and it somehow gets worse from there - from bad nude photos to bad headshots to bad acting, and finally concluding with Tao telling a story about Grant's roommate finding his dildo stuck to the wall of his shower.

      Tao: How did you LEAVE it?

      Grant: (sheepish) ...I had just cum.

  • Every episode of Breaking News featuring Amy Vorpahl, it's a safe bet to guess she'll be the loser. In "Mom Disappointed in Son...Again", her breaks begin right out of the gate and don't stop there.

    Rekha: (in character) Watch your shitty little mouth, piss-boy. You may be too old to call your hot mama, but you're never too old for a spanking!

    Amy: (for two minutes, between weeping laughs) M...Mama...mama...

    • Amy forgets whose mom Rekha's character is meant to be, and when the entire cast reminds her, it leads to Amy and the entire crew behind the scenes losing their absolute shit.
    • In another episode with Amy, she spends the first minute laughing at just the introduction of the first story. Her co-anchor, Grant, ends up thanking her for being even worse than him at laughing.
  • Remember "True Facts about Grant Anthony O'Brien"? It's back with part 2 in 2021, with Lily, Tao, and Brennan returning to embarrass "everyone's favorite unverified bitch" with stories about Viagra, sex parties, and bad dates, all as Lily the co-anchor makes him lick the bottom of her shoe - literally.

    Grant: Can I first say, before I start reading on this teleprompter - this last one that we did is the first thing that comes up when you Google me.

    • The normally stoic Brennan comes one point close to being the loser for once, behind, of course, Grant.

      Lily: (from the teleprompter) Is the dirty little cuck ready to have his face fucked off, all to provide three minutes of content for diet Quibi?

      Brennan: (breathless hysterical laughter)

    • Grant's sex party past comes back to haunt him - and Brennan - and his attempts to explain it don't help anyone.

      Grant: Now, here to read my social security number, it's a field reporter named after the amount of people I performed oral sex on one night in 2012.

      Brennan: (after a full five seconds of just standing there with his mouth open in shock) Hello...I'm "50"?!?! That can't be right...

      Grant: There...was a party that I went to. They had parties underneath a supermarket in Brooklyn...

      Brennan: Did you have...water? Was there, I mean, fuckin' -

      Grant: Yeah, there was a snack bar.

      Brennan: (breathless hysterical laughter)

      • When Brennan's anchor name is revealed, the headline text on screen just says "Fucking Wow".
    • The teleprompter makes an effort to be kind to Grant near the end before immediately ruining it.

      Lily: Before we end this symphony of chaos and pain, I just want to say one thing - that Grant O'Brien is one of the sweetest, kindest, best people on this planet. He's loyal, he's talented, he always makes time to help out a friend -

      Grant: (covering his mouth with both hands as soon as he reads the next line)

      Lily: - and one time when he was in high school his father walked into the family computer room and caught him sucking his own dick. And just to confirm, Grant, that's true?

      Grant:'s more complicated than that.

      • As "punishment" for "being the loser", Grant has to re-enact being caught with his own dick in his mouth, and Brennan has to play his dad. Grant goes into a way too detailed demonstration of how you kind of have to walk your feet up a wall to get the proper angle to get your penis into your own mouth before having an awkward conversation with his "dad" that ends like this:

        Brennan: (as Grant's dad) Well, I'm proud of you, and I hope someday you do work that makes you feel proud too.

  • Grant gets his revenge in "Sam Reich Launches Dropout America", which "reveals" that Sam has done a 180 in his political beliefs and is now a chest-thumping conservative nationalist who has turned Dropout into his Author Filibuster.
    • The second Sam realizes what's going on, he facepalms.
    • The hosts are Sam Rish (Brennan), Sam Rike (Carolyn), Sam Reesh (Katie), and Sam Reich.
    • Brennan gets the task of listing ten conservative things Sam has said, including such lines as "The statue of liberty is the only woman I respect", with a photoshopped picture of Sam in a MAGA hat in the background.
    • The cast brings in Sam's wife, Elaine's Carrol, to tell a story about Sam being mean to a delivery driver and blaming Dr. Fauci for Political Overcorrectness.

    Sam: You have got to be kidding me!

    • Katie claims that Sam has recently bought a massive mansion with a wineyard, despite being allergic to alcohol. She theorizes that he might have faked his allergies For the Evulz, or if he did it just so no one else could.
    • Sam's new bedroom apparently has an elephant's head mounted on the wall with "I did this, me, Sam Reich" written on it in blood.
  • In "We've met before", Katie has to make up a story about how her's and Trapp's characters have met before at "space camp", which she does so tragically (including actually crying) that Sam breaks character to ask if she's alright.
    • Sam is the loser of the episode, which means he has to say exactly where he met the other actors in the episode. To make matters worse, all of them remember exactly where they met except Sam. He got close with Katie, assuming they met when she was an intern, but missed the exact place in the office. Unfortunately, he also forgot to mention that they're distant cousins. With Brennan, he assumed they met when Brennan was a writer for Um Actually, only for Brennan to launch into an account of how they first met at a dinner party five years earlier.
  • "I Don't Have Fingernails Because I Actually Know How to Finger a Woman" Starts of with one long roast on Yelp:

    Trapp: Yelp is launching a dating service for the awful misanthropes who use their site.
    Amanda Hugankiss: Oh, I love yelp.
    Trapp: Me too.

    • Amanda (played by Katie) recounts how she left a bad review because the customer service was bad, and she had expected them to finger her. She proceeds to do a very poor miming of fingering someone.
    • The episode manages to break Katie's laugh record with an astonishing three chuckles. The part that breaks her is having to describe how she is to date, noting that she'd be two hours late while constantly sending "I'll be right there" texts, before crying the entire date and refusing to talk about it, and ultimately falling asleep in the car, which her date is apparently not in.

    Trapp: Where was I?
    Amanda: Fuck you!

    • Erika, doing a parody of Jaws, is told to scrape her fingernails across a chalk board:
    • Erika starts drawing up an aircraft carrier as part of her plan to kill the shark, with Trapp chiming in this spectacular line:

    Trapp: You're gonna need a bigger board.

  • In "Gengar could run a train through me", Amy once again laughs so much that it's a solid one and a half minutes into the video before she can even finish her first line, reaching 19 laughs before that point. Her co-anchor, Lily, is looking at her concerned the whole time.
  • "Why Did You Give a Wedgie to Malala?"
    • Grant's character claims to have given wedgies to three nobel prize winners, including Barrack Obama, Gandhi and [improvise].

    Grant: Uuuuh, Malala Yousafzai.
    Katie: why?
    Entire cast piles on Grant for giving a wedgie to a little girl who was shot

  • In one episode, Grant uses his turn in the writer's chair to make an incredibly daring bet:

    The writer of this video is Grant O'Brien, which you might have picked up on from how correct he was about the shorts. Here's how sure he is that crypto is a joke: in 10 years, if any crypto is worth more than it is today - March 16th 2021 - get in touch with Grant and he'll send you the equivalent of one thousand US dollars in whatevery currency you choose, no questions asked. Any crypto - Bitcoin, Ethereum, Rabbit Bucks, whatever. This offer stands for whoever reaches out, and you can ask for money as many times as you like, assuming Elon Musk gives you a long enough break from sucking his dick to DM Grant. And if you're thinking, "Grant doesn't have any money, how do we know that he can back this?" Check your digital wallet, fucko, because it's full of coins that are exactly as valuable as this promise.

    • Special mention needs to be given to Lily for absolutely nailing the rant without breaking once, as well as raising the amount of money on offer to a hundred thousand dollars.
  • Tornado Jail:
    • Erika breaks 5 times at the beginning until Brennan starts to introduce her.
    • "Babies are the shriveled rats that husbands and wives make by peeing on each other. Everyone knows that babies smell bad and suck at math"
    • Among the tornado's carnage is a wax museum that only features Robert Downey Jr. while he was addicted to drugs and the local zoo, where all the gorillas were sucked into the sky.
      • This breaks Amy into such a laughing fit that she goes from a -7 score to -43, somehow beating Erika.

    Dirty Laundry

Episode 1

  • The contestants are asked which one of them shot a softcore pornography. Grant is immediately dismissed because if it was him, it wouldn't be softcore, and he would have told them about it.
  • Katie tries to justify accidentally dropping and killing a duckling as a child.

    Katie: To be fair, it was literally a couple of hours old.
    Sam: To be- an animal literally has never been more vulnerable!
    Jacob: Guys, there was a deadly earthquake! Don't worry, it happened at the infant ward!

Episode 3

  • Late in the episode as everyone gets more intoxicated, "Who has a tramp stamp?" comes up as a question. Jess Ross realizes she genuinely isn't sure if she's the one who submitted that. Turns out she did, and the other participants become furious as they realize she tricked them by accident.

    Make Some Noise

  • Whereas the scoring system in the segment this show is based on made more or less sense, the scoring system here is completely random. Sam awards Brennan one and a half points in one round and a googolplex in the next.
  • "HBO's A Game of Rock Paper Scissors"
    • Brennan's prompt of "An Old-timey Prospector who is getting into crypto" quickly spins of into an Author Filibuster about Brennan's feelings on Crypto, much like Grant's rant in Breaking News:

      Brennan: [thick southern drawl] Ey'ou listen 'ere. Ah may'ave lost part of mah brain in a wolverine attack, but Ah know one thing and one things fer sure. That is the blockchain is th' future of currency. You think- oh, fiat currency, you, what, state-backed dollars. What could be better than a completely unaccountable system of absolute strangers an' con-artists assembled together in a bizarre crypto-fascist commune. We already know that these currencies are bein' used to fund neo-nazi and far-right organizations. If yer legitimately considering using these things, [loses accent] THERE'S SOMETHING FUCKING WRONG WITH YOU!
      Sam: I'm gonna cut you off before this-
      Zac: Where's the prospector go?!?!
      Brennan: [does exaggerated dance] DIPPITY DAPPITY DIPPITY DAPPITY DIPPITY!

    • Brennan gets the prompt "HBO's A Game of Rock Paper Scissors" and does the most Game of Thrones monologue he can in his most British accent:

      Brennan: Done quite well for yourself, haven't you? I remember you, when you were nothing more than a pebble. Your father was an estemable warrior and king in his time. [mimes that he's holding a glass of wine] The Boulder of Rockland, they called him. Me? Nothing more than a humble sheet... of paper. [takes a sip, the "wine" immediately soaks into him] Oh, I ca-can't drink!
      Sam: It's absorbant.
      Brennan: Outside I have a googolplex of soldiers. [drops accent] Anyone that wants to look up how much that is go ahead and do that right now note 1010,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 . [accent's back] While you've been galavanting around, falling in love with that beautiful scissor princess I have been PREPARING for this day! Years have elapsed. My family cut to ribbons. Shredded! Made into compost. Nothing more than detritus and pulp. Time will tell. Even the most humble sheet of paper can SURROUND you when you least expect it. I will see you on the battlefield. [mimes that he's folding himself into a paper airplane and flies away]

  • In the minigame, players are asked to order eggs "the wrong way":

    Brennan: Extra aged.
    Sam: Meaning?
    Brennan: Chicken.


  • In a crossover with Dorkly, cast from both teams play a tabletop RPG as cereal maskots, with Brennan as Tony the Tiger. He proceeds to put every ounce of Black Comedy he can come up with into the role, while never breaking out of his Tony voice.

    "Now hold on there, Fido. From one predator to another, let's talk: Look at your diminished form. You were a wolf once, and now, your muzzle has shortened and you can barely breathe. These bipedal creatures has turned you into a trophy to their own madness. [...] If I was like you, I'd take my own life!"
    "Well, well, well, miller Garland. You've elected the path of pain!"
    "You have selected the role of the hunted, and, againt my will, I shall be your hunter!"
    "Ohohohoho, mister miller Garland. Do you think we fear death?"
    "Before the beginning of time, beings full of malice and hatred were all that existed in a darkness vaster and more incomprehensible than our pitiful language can describe. Concepts that would shatter the mind of a mortal to behold. These gods want nothing more than for all to dissolve into chaos. The inevitable heat death of the universe, where the infinity between all molecules sepparate us from any possible cohesion or understanding. On our way to that utter oblivion, why not have some sugary breakfast cereals? It doesn't matter. These gods do not care, they don't see, they don't love. They're not good... THEY'RRRRRE GREAT!"


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